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Master the kettlebell whilst building lean muscle and change your body shape.

Time to focus on building lean muscle and tighten and lift your butt and legs for a full body transformation.


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Everything you need to change your body shape whilst mastering the kettelbell

Exercise and workouts seem to be getting more and more complicated by the day. We want to do something to improve how we look and feel but often we get paralysed by the choice, not to mention burning ourselves out with over exercising or choosing the wrong type for our age or hormones.

We all have busy lives and wasting time and energy is something none of us want to do, right?

Well let me tell you, kettlebell training has changed both my life and all those 100's of clients I've personally worked with.

Here are some of the benefits of kettlebell training:

- Offset handle enables swinging and dynamic fat burning movements

- Full body movements connect head to toe and improve core condition

- Improves strength and stabilisation as muscles work hard to keep joints aligned

- Increases lung and heart capacity as multi-joint movements require more oxygen

- Little or no movement of the feet so minimal impact and workout space required

- Activating over 600 muscles per movement means surprisingly short workouts whilst getting strong fast

But....just knowing about kettlebell training doesn't get the job done. You need to know where to start, what exercises are suitable for your level, and how to put the exercises together into short and efficient workouts, following a plan.

Start removing fat and changing your shape by using these full body workouts that skyrockets your metabolism and ensures that you burn fat both during and after each workout.

Divided into 12 weeks, each week you will learn new exercises to shape and change your body.

Weeks 1 - 4: focuses on building a solid foundation with the swing and core exercises

Weeks 5 - 8: conditions the backside and legs and increases fat burning whilst building lean muscle

Weeks 9 - 12: ramps up the cardio and conditioning to narrow the waist and arms, whilst strengthening the legs and butt

Introducing the Swingers Level Kettlebell Training Package:

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I've put together 12 weeks which include 3-4 workouts a week starting from 10 minutes to 30 minutes each time that guarantees getting stronger, building muscle and completely changing your shape whilst you master the key kettlebell exercises. Challenging, motivational, and very effective.

Let's Get Started Today!

I can be in and out of my workout space in 20 minutes or less and the fat is just melting off.

Breo, 44

What You Will Achieve From These Workouts...

There are 20+ kettlebell circuits included within this program, each one gets progressively more challenging. The circuits start from 10 minutes and will work your total body including your heart and lungs so there is no need for any additional cardio. Need more? Time to pick up a heavier kettlebell!

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If you have followed me for a while then you will know that I love to provide lots of really useful information to support you in your journey. This is no exception :-)

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($67 Value)

Answering all the important questions including: What size kettlebell to use? What type of kettlebells to buy? Where do I train? What should I wear? How do I pick it up and hold it?

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($167 Value)

I've put together a collection of 26 online videos to help you on your kettlebell journey, demonstrating in detail all the important exercises with video instruction.

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($197 Value)

Want to know the secret to feeling young and active? These 22 online videos will help improve your range of movement and flexibility.

You will reduce your potential for injury and learn how to open up your joints so you move more freely.

Discover how to reduce back, shoulder, and knee issues with this series of videos.

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email support from lisa
($197/hour Value)

I know everyone has questions no matter how small so I want you to know that I'm here to help.

If you are struggling with an exercise or have a specific question about what kettlebell weight you are using then I'm only an email away.

Plus, if you want to film and email any particular exercise you have a question about then I'd be more than happy to give you my feedback.


Lisa is an experienced personal trainer and kettlebell instructor. She took her first wellness qualifications almost 20 years ago and kettlebell qualifications 8 years ago and has been on a health and wellness journey ever since.

She began by teaching kettlebell training in a yoga studio, to setting up her own women's owner studio for 3 years before bringing things back to where it all started for her - in her living room and now teaching 100s of women online in her global community to do home based kettlebell training with online coaching.

She now shares his skills and knowledge of how to exercise safely and effectively regardless of your starting point or personal obstacles, focusing on the particular difficulties faced by busy women over 40.

She has now taught well over 5000 kettlebell classes and helped over 50,000 people online.

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What Real Women Like You Are Saying About Lisa Barwise And Her Workouts:

I no longer have to workout 5 days a day for an hour. I am getting stronger and my body is changing fast even in just 30 minutes 3 times a week.

Elizabeth, 46

WHY this program is so valuable

After training 100's of personal training clients and teaching over 5000 kettlebell classes I started to notice a pattern with women.

Most women struggle with the same movements, joint problems, exercises, and motivation.

They either fall into the sedentry category of not doing much or complete over exerciser doing too much with little result other than exhaustion or injury.

I put together this collection of kettlebell circuits to answer these common problems.

These are NOT just a collection of random workouts or trendy exercises.

Here you will find progressive exercises 'that will just feel right' based on my years of experience.

You could hire me for over $197 per session and over the weeks and months, we would go over exactly the same progressions I have included within these 21 workouts.

So you can SAVE over $1000 just by following the exercises I use within this program.

I believe in empowering women to better understand their own bodies.

This program will give YOU the power. You will know how to exercise effectively without the need for anyone else.

You get to be the leading lady in your own life. To be your own superhero.

Let me show you how.

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12 Week Training Plan PDF (value $297)

Quick Start Toolkit (value $67)

Kettlebel School Video Course Series (value $167)

Injury, Mobility and Recovery Library (value $167)

Help and Support from Lisa (value $197 hour)

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14 Day Money Back Guarantee

I want to give you time to try my workouts and start seeing results. I am more than confident that this program will work for you, just as it’s helped thousands of other Kettlebell training students that I offer a 14 day money back guarantee.

I can perform bear crawls and push ups now after just 3 months and having injured my back 6 months ago.

Renee, 57

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer any refunds or guarantees?

Sure do! If you try the workouts, implement my strategies, and don't see any results, then you can email me within 14 days of purchase for a full refund.

What equipment will I need?

You can complete all circuits using just one or two kettlebells: swingers 8kg (18lbs) or 12kg (25lbs) with progression to 16kg (35lbs) within the 3 months.

I'm a complete beginner is this program for me?

This is not a program for complete beginners - we have a 12 week program for beginners you can access. This program is for those that have experience with kettlebell training including proper form with the kettlebell swing and experience with HIIT style training. Those who think they are more advanced will find these workouts challenging if they use the correct kettlebell weight.

Your prices are in $US Dollars can I use a different currency?

As I'm offering these workouts worldwide $US Dollars is the easiest currency for most customers and known as a global currency. If you live outside the USA then your order will be converted into your local currency after your order at no additional cost.

What format is the program content delivered in?

The programs are all digital and includes downloadable ebooks (PDF's) and access to all the videos online. You will receive an email with all the content immediately after placing your order.

What happens after the 12 Weeks?

This is a 12 week training plan which maps out 3 months of workouts for 3-4 days a week at Level 2. You can download and keep the plan forever and start and restart whenever you choose. Then when you complete this, you can progress to a Level 3 Training Plan or join us in the Sexy Strong program for a full mind and body transformation for body shape change over 40 with support for 12 months.

What is the difference between the Swingers Program and the 28 Circuits and Workouts?

The Swingers program is a 12 week training plan with a designated result. It is laid out for a day to day training to do so you can work on getting stronger, leaner and master certain kettlebell moves. The 28 Circuits and Workouts are a series of follow along workouts or circuits to add into your existing training plan or to add some kettlebell training into your workouts. The circuits are fun workouts to add into your training plan.



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28 Follow Along Circuits - Special Offer


Discover full body conditioning in just 4-minutes. build your workout from multiple circuits, flows and complexes or simply follow along for beginner kettlebell workouts, resistance band, body weight cardio and core conditioning or full 30 minute HIIT training workouts.

  • Each workout progresses as your condition improves
  • Use circuits, tabata, flows and more to continuously make progress
  • Increase your cardio and condition your waist and arms
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